Edible Essex is pleased to announce the launch of a brand new competition for secondary schools in Essex.
The USE THE PLOT competition follows the incredible success of the Packed Lunch Plot competition, which is also running again this year.
Secondary school pupils are invited to put forward a project idea worth £500 that will either create or enhance an allotment area at their school. The ultimate aim of their project will be to encourage encourage healthy lifestyles by learning about growing and using fresh fruit and veg.
The USE THE PLOT competition follows the incredible success of the Packed Lunch Plot competition, which is also running again this year.
Secondary school pupils are invited to put forward a project idea worth £500 that will either create or enhance an allotment area at their school. The ultimate aim of their project will be to encourage encourage healthy lifestyles by learning about growing and using fresh fruit and veg.
The winning school will not only be able to implement their idea, but will also be rewarded with a bonus of £100 in garden vouchers, upon completion. There will also be two runners-up prizes of £100 garden vouchers.
For more information on both competitions, visit our website www.edibleessex.org.uk