RCCE now has a new look Essex Village of the Year Competition. The competition has a great tradition, but we’ve made some important changes this year – even simplifying the title – all with the aim of giving it a fresher image, a clearer purpose and making it easier and less time consuming to enter.
In villages of all sizes throughout Essex, local people are doing great things to strengthen their communities. The purpose of our competition is to celebrate and reward such efforts. This is an opportunity to tell us about your community and how the people living and working there are involved in community life.
We have made some changes to the application format, with the aim of giving it a fresher image, a clearer purpose and, very importantly, making it easier to enter by reducing the paperwork!
How to Enter
Entering the competition is simple - submit a brief profile of what makes your village special (in n more than 500 words). It is an opportunity for you to tell us about the organisations, events and activities that contribute most to community life where you live and or about any new initiatives or future plans – perhaps you want to tell us about your village hall or local clubs and groups, support to village youth teams by local businesses, or community events, the choice is yours - whatever you think makes your village special.
The application form can be completed by a member of the parish council, community organisation, clerk or anyone you feel appropriate. There is no need to supply any additional information, documentation or photos.
Closing date for applications is: Tuesday 3rd May 2016
This is the only competition of its kind in Essex that focuses on the whole community rather than on the work of the Parish Council or one particular organisation or amenity. We will be looking to reward villages of all sizes that are doing most to enhance the quality of life for their inhabitants.
Should you have any questions about any aspect of the entry requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact Sara Ward at RCCE – sara.ward@essexrcc.org.uk or 01376 574330.
VOY guidelines 2016 (final).docx EVOY entry form 2016 (final).docx