Ninety per cent of those who voted supported the plan.

Votes in favour: 1,310

Votes against: 138

Total Turnout: 1,452 (33.67%)

For a neighbourhood plan to be adopted and used by the local planning authority, as part of their local development plan, there needs to be a majority of votes in favour of the plan - a simple yes/no vote.

The local planning authority will now adopt the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Development Plan and it will sit within the local Authorities Local Development Plan, meaning it has real weight within the planning system. Once adopted, planning applications, though still determined by the local planning authority in the normal way, will take into account local policies in this neighbourhood plan as well as the Local Plan.

Where any permission has been granted by an adopted Neighbourhood Development Order, the normal planning application process is bypassed. This comes as part of the government's localism agenda to give more power to local communities and help to cut red tape surrounding planning decisions. <

Upper Eden’s Neighbourhood Development Plan has been produced at a grassroots level and contains policies on where homes should be built and whether redundant farm buildings can be converted.

If you would like to learn more about neighbourhood planning have a look at RCCE’s Community Led Planning pages, or contact a member of the Community Engagement Team. To see Upper Eden’s neighbourhood development plan visit: