Birch C of E Primary School, winners of the Edible Essex Packed Lunch Plot Competition, spent a day filming with BBC Countryfile last Friday.  Matt Baker, one of the show’s presenters, met Emily Lawrence, the year 6 pupil who designed the winning entry, and helped to make her Summer Sunshine Pasta Salad and Lavender Cup Cakes.  The whole school then enjoyed eating them!

The Packed Lunch Plot competition was launched by the Edible Essex project last September and invited primary school children to design a small plot and invent a recipe for a packed lunch using the produce. Out of 1555 entries, Emily’s was chosen as overall winner because of its good choice of produce and attractive plot design. The judges liked the way she had chosen easy to grow plants and used edible flowers in her recipe.

The Birch pupils who were awarded Highly Commended certificates for their entries, shared some of their gardening tips with Matt, and teacher Sadie Broad demonstrated the importance of a school garden and how activities can enrich the curriculum.  

As part of the competition prize, Birch Primary School received a polytunnel, which will enable them to do gardening activities in all weathers and increase their gardening club membership.