A fabulous sunny autumn afternoon set the scene for the big dig at Messing allotments.  A large task was ahead for the valiant volunteers who turned out for the big dig but everyone did Messing Primary School proud.  Positioned in the village of Messing with fanstastic views of rolling countryside is the primary school, which has acquired an allotment plot within the community allotment area.  The gardening expert/volunteer, Katie Seaman, has made huge strides to get the plot up and running and in its first season, the plot has seen some produce.  However, the upkeep is relentless for just one person, so Katie organised the big dig which was a huge success.... the tea and homemade biscuits did help! - thank you Katie. 

Messing School has allocated a time slot every Tuesday for each year group to help with maintenance on the allotment.  Pupils will be able to see where our food comes from and what it takes to grow it!  A fantastic learning aid that incorporates key subjects such as maths and science, and also assists with emotional and social development. This is a fabulous addition to the school which will provide much enjoyment and help for the children educationally and socially.

The story doesn't stop here. The plot is large and although it has some direct help from volunteers connected to the school, it is postioned on a community site and Messing School is very keen to engage further with the local community.  If you live locally and wish to become involved, please do let us know. 

Perhaps you would like an allotment but are short of time for the full committment or you feel a whole plot might be too much.  Why not volunteer and share your love of gardening with the school and offer some help - you would be most welcome and hopefully make some friends along the way!

Next is the BIG Build 'The Messing Community Bug Hotel' calling all bug enthusiasts we need your help to create a palatial hotel for the good bugs of Messing.

Event to take place: Messsing Allotments from 3:15pm.  Please click here for the event poster

For more information or to get involved please contact: Lizzie Rose  -  elizabeth.rose@essexrcc.org.uk