ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) has produced a series of Topic Sheets on local issues that communities may wish to explore when undertaking a particular community project, or even when developing actions through the production of a Community Led Plan. These have been produced with other key stakeholder organisations with expertise in each topic. RCCE has put all these topic sheets on a dedicated page and can be accessed here: topic sheets

Each sheet shows how you can find out if there is community need and support for local projects, and how you can evidence this in your Parish Plan.

Community Pubs and other Social Enterprise (with the Plunkett Foundation)
Community Shops (with the Plunkett Foundation)
Raising Capital with a Community Shares issue (with Community Share Unit)
Community Food Growing (with Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens)
Energy Efficiency (with NEA)
Renewable Energy (with Centre for Sustainable Energy)
Affordable Warmth (with Calor)
Community Safety (with Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network)
Emergency Planning (with Gloucestershire Rural Community Council)
An Ageing Population (with Age UK and Rural Media Company)
Community Buildings (with Church of England, The United Reformed Church, The Methodist Church)
Rural Tourism (with Hidden Britain)
Your Heritage (with English Heritage)

Don't forget that there are also RCCE Information Packs on the following topics:  
Parish Plans
Involving the Community in your Project